Exercise Physiologist

Our Exercise Physiologists are dedicated to addressing a wide range of conditions, enhancing performance, and promoting overall wellbeing through evidence-based exercise programs.

What sets our Exercise Physiologists apart?

At The Wellness Practice, our expert Exercise Physiologists harness the power of scientific principles to design and implement personalised exercise programs that cater to your unique needs. They serve as a health and wellness coach providing guidance on fitness, nutrition, and lifestyle choices, empowering individuals to achieve optimal health and wellbeing through tailored programs and informed decision-making. Improve your health, fitness, and overall wellbeing with our comprehensive approach to exercise physiology.

Conditions our Exercise Physiologists can help with:

Chronic Health Conditions

Our Exercise Physiologists design tailored exercise programs to manage and improve conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and obesity.

Musculoskeletal Issues

Individuals with musculoskeletal conditions or injuries receive specialised exercise plans to enhance mobility, strength, and overall function.

Weight Management

Our Exercise Physiologists provide guidance on effective exercise routines and lifestyle changes to support weight loss or maintenance.

Cardiorespiratory Conditions

Conditions like asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) benefit from exercise programs designed to enhance respiratory function and cardiovascular health.

Pre-and Post-Surgery Exercise Rehabilitation

Our Exercise Physiologists assist in pre-surgery conditioning and post-surgery rehabilitation, optimising recovery and restoring physical function.

Athletic Performance Enhancement

Athletes seek sports physiology expertise to improve performance through customised training regimens targeting strength, endurance, and agility.

Mental Health and Stress Management

Exercise has proven benefits for mental health; our Exercise Physiologists design programs to alleviate stress, anxiety, and depression.

Aging-Related Concerns

Older adults benefit from exercise programs to maintain mobility, balance, and overall functional independence as they age.

Neurological Disorders

Our Exercise Physiologists develop exercise plans for individuals with neurological conditions like Parkinson’s or multiple sclerosis to support mobility and overall wellbeing.

Pregnancy and Postpartum Fitness

Women receive guidance on safe and effective exercise during pregnancy and postpartum, promoting health for both mother and baby.

Pain Management

Our Exercise Physiologists address pain management through personalised exercise programs, targeting mobility, muscle strength, and overall function with the aim to alleviate pain and enhance long-term wellbeing.

Visiting one of our Exercise Physiologists at The Wellness Practice is a proactive step toward improved health, as they utilise evidence-based practices to address a range of conditions and promote overall wellbeing through personalised exercise programs and health coaching.

Frequently asked questions:

  • Do I need a referral for exercise physiology?

    No, a GP referral is not required. You can easily make an appointment directly with us.

  • What is involved in an initial consultation with an Exercise Physiologist?

    At your first appointment with an Exercise Physiologist, expect a comprehensive discussion about your medical history, injuries, health, goals, and any conditions. We’ll assess your fitness, set goals, design a personalised exercise plan, guide you through exercises, and discuss the next steps for your fitness journey.

  • How long is a follow up consultation with an Exercise Physiologist?

    Follow-up consultations are usually 30 minutes.

  • Can I use my private health for my consultation with an Exercise Physiologist?

    Yes, initial and follow up consultations are claimable through private health, if you have Exercise Physiology services as part of your extra’s cover. The rebate amount will vary depending on your level of cover. Please contact your private health fund to see what rebate you are entitled to.

  • Does your practice offer the Medicare care plan program?

    Yes, if you are referred by a GP under the Medicare Chronic Disease Management (CDM) Plan you are eligible for up to 5 rebated visits per calendar year with an exercise physiologist.

  • Can I use my DVA Gold card or a DVA White card for my consultations with an Exercise Physiologist?

    Yes, if you are an eligible DVA card holder, The Wellness Practice directly bills DVA for services. You will not need to pay a gap payment for exercise physiology.

  • Do you have HICAPS?

    Yes our practice has HICAPS facilities, enabling you to claim directly at the time of your appointment.

Locations offering Exercise Physiologist